How are Govenment postions filled?

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New Member
Here is something I recently encountered.

I applied for a "Explosives Handler WS-5" position back in July, 2007. I had also told an old army buddy about it, and he applied as well. Both of us get refered to the selecting agent. And then neither of us heard anything till November. That's when my buddy was called and told to come in for his physical and orientation (there was no interview). I however was never called.

The job itself is manufacture and warehouse/shipping of munitions for the Army. (It's a Navy base but the job is for the Army). My friend has been a security guard for the past 13 years. He has no manufacturing or warehouse experience. I have 3 years of warehouse experience and almost 7 years of manufacturing experience working for General Electric. My friend has a general discharge from the Army. I have an honorable.

Shortly after my friend was selected they posted the same job again. I was somewhat confused and called the number given. I was told that the roster for the other posting had been exhausted. And I was told to apply to the new posting. This confused me as I'd been refereed on the first posting, but not called. But I went ahead and did. My status (on the CPOL website) once again says I've been refereed.

An interesting additional bit of information. When my friend went in for his orientation he met a few of his fellow new hires. Two of those were "just out of high school" age people. Both of whom just happened to have relatives that have been working at the base for 20+ years. And even more interesting. NONE of the people in his group went through an interview. My question is how would those two have more experience for the job than I? Let alone enough to cancel out my 5 point vet pref? And is it normal for GS positions to be filled without any interviews?

The first hiring round brought in 20-30 people (this is the one my friend was hired in) and the round I'm currently refered to is suppose to hire 46 people. I'm waiting to see if I'll be passed over on this round as well, before seeking any kind of legal help. Just wondering if I have grounds for it now? Or if there is something about this that I'm missing? I thought hiring for government jobs was suppose to be based off skill/work history. And not who you knew (like so many private sector jobs).
The answer isn't going to be any different here than it was in the other forum where you posted this question.

I'm sorry if you don't like the answer but no one promised you'd get the answer you want to every question you ask.
Sorry CBG,

Just looking for other input/trying to reach more people. Didn't know the posters in this forum, were pretty much the same people as the other one .(they are different URLs)

Doesn't matter if I like/dislike oppinions given. That's what I'm here for!
I explained this to someone else here today, too. (Not yelling at you, just explaining).

I post on about half a dozen of these boards. On each and every one of them, there are several other people whom I see answering questions on at least one of the others. So whatever board you're on, chances are at least some of the responders are going to be the same.
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