Assault & Battery Have a few questions re: rights

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New Member
Do minors have the same constitutional rights as adults (re: criminal law)?
Can a minor be refused a jury trial due to being a minor?
Is it legal for a judge to tell the accused adult they can not have a jury trial in a domestic violence misdemeanor/assault arrest in a municipal court - that it must be in front of him (the judge)?
Is it legal to deny a public defender based on the income of others who live in the same apartment, even though they are the "victim" or "victim's" family and no relation to the accused and would not help with the cost of an attorney; and same accused has no source of income of own?
Is it legal they never Mirandized from time cuffed and stuffed and had to plead (on a monitor) without any legal representation?

I thought we all (at least adults, don't know about say 16 year olds) had a constitutional right to a jury trial? Thank you for clarification.
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