Criminal Law Green Card Renewal with Criminal Bkgrnd

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New Member
I have been in this country for 10 years now and I have the following criminal background:

(All within the State of Georgia)

Oct 2003 : Underage Drinking (2 days served, fine, comm service) - Pled Guilty

Dec 2003: Computer Theft (15yrs MAX penality) (I changed 30 school grades and they got me for a lesser charge) - I pled FIRST OFFENDER, which stated that currently I am not found guilty until I violate the act. This sentence was suspended and I will exonerated from the charges on Aug 2004. So it shows pending on my State crim record

June/July 2004: Failure to Appear (Attorney forgot to do an entry of appearnce and information went to wrong address and got a warrant due to it)

Dec 2004: Underage Drinking - Pled Guilty - 2/3 months on prob
ation, fine

Aug 2006: Less Safe DUI - Still Pending. I blew below the GA limit, 0.07 while driving
GA law states that I will be found guilty if state can prove that I was a threat to the roads even when I was below the limit. ATtrny stated that this will not violate my 1st Offender due to case circumstances

*I know this is all bad but really I got my head together. I am about to get my B.S Degree, have been employeed ever since I was 17 (2002) in corporate offices/management positions(full time while in school) and have quite a resume for still being a FT student - I plan on going to Law School next year. With all this mind, will I have a problem getting my Green Card Renewed? It expires Sept 2006 and the appl is still pending. I have yet to take my fingerprints.

Any advise will be GREATLY appreciated!
My Bday is OCT 15th so I am 21 yrs of age, about to be 22. My parents and my sisters just got their citizenship. My nationality is Great Britain - FYI
Sry made a mistake - the first offender ends AUG 2007 not 2004

Help would be greatly appreciated! THANKS
I am not a lawyer here just another guy that made some misdeaminors. I had a DUI back in 1992 and a battery in 1998 when I went to renew my card they did not give me any trouble. For the battery I was not charged anything because charges were not filled... Thank goodness...
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