Gener Discrimination at former company (Security Firm)

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New Member
hello, I was wondering if I could possibly take legal action against my former company.

It's well known by other people at work that I was treated unfairly for being female. I started working there about 3-4 years ago, and I had been a good employee of this security firm for the first 2 years. I was inline for a promotion, but was denied it. They didn't admit that it was because I was a female (they covered their backs) and came up with 3 different excuses, until one finally stuck. First they said it was because I didn't work "graveyard shift" which was a lie, because I worked that shift at least once per week...then, they said it was because I didn't work at their other site; and then it was because they felt they really didn't need a Third in command at that site.

Well, I left that company about 5 months later. Ironically enough they promoted the GUY who had replaced me to the position I was supposed to be offered. This after they said "they didn't need a third officer" ... :rolleyes:

Well, for whatever reason I had at the time...I went back to my former employer. THis time things were worse. I was given a crappy schedule, and they were obviously catering to the men who got to work whatever hours they wanted. I was stuck with almost steady graveyard shifts, and only getting 24-30 hours a week, (I was told I'd be full time).
I found out (recently/after the fact) that he didn't want me to work daylight or afternoon hours...At first he claimed there was a complaint about me, but when it came to light there were never any complaints he admitted that it was because "(I'm) a girl" and "(I'm) not strong enough to break up a fight if something happens..."

Well, a few months following that, this particular supervisor got replaced by someone who WAS fair to me, and made efforts to get me promoted (the kid who had replaced me was fired.) Naturally, that same security company would not process the paperwork and approve it.
As fate would have it, the contract with the old security firm was terminated. And, a new company came in and took over--this time, I got the promotion. In fact, it went into effect the day the new contract was signed.

Pardon the long story, but I wanted to give as much information as possible.

Now, here's my questions:

Do I have a case of sexual discrimination against the former security firm?
Is it too long after the fact to persuit anything (this was about 2-3 months ago that our contract was up with the old company).?
What steps should I take in persuiting this?
What kind of proof will I need to offer?

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