Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft friend caught stealing



hello all, my friend recently got caught stealing at walmart. She stole some small items under 50, she was cooperative and deeply sorry. The sercurity did not call the cops and told her there would be no court date, she wasnt even banned from the store. She did not sign anything, they took down her information and ID and that was it. All they said was to except a letter for a civil demand. She hasnt been able to sleep for the past week, will she still be charged even if no police were called? please help thanks. she is 18 by the way
Yes, happens thousands of times daily all over this country.
The thieves are very active stealers.
Hopefully, your "friend" never steals anything again.
Once she pays the demand, the store won't bother with her unless she steals again.
She will likely not be charges. The civil demand letter is the store's way of recovering the cost of loss prevention without going to court. If you pay the amount it will likely be the end of it. Your friend should also expect a letter barring them from the store. You are not required to pay the civil demand. If you fail to pay the store may continue to send more letters or file suit to sue for the damage.

Paying the civil demand does not eliminate the possibility of being formally charged, but it lessens it substantially because it is easier for the store. If you do pay and are charged, you cannot be forced to pay restitution.
If no police were called & she pays the civil demand, that most likely will be the end of it.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. The store (you should not have named) has NOTHING to gain if you pay Civil Demand not paying could provoke criminal filing