Fraud and Discrimination

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Lindsey Lee

New Member
Because of my poor choices, a DCFS case was open in May of 2021 for substance use along with domestic violence. Prior to engaging in my case plan with therapies, treatment, DV classes, I relapsed 3 months into my case. I them soon began to receive the referrals needed to start the process of my case plan. Once services started, using no longer became an issue as I refrained from all illegal substances. My sons father and I were residing together, and began to build out relationship back together. We were both doing everything we could. We got along great with our CW, things were looking good. And then everything changed drastically. My son was placed in traditional foster care because the agency we used did not "like" my sons babysitter who was dcfs trained and willing to provide a safe home while his dad and I fixed our issue that had our son taken. Instead of this agency calling my mother or father or any 6 aunts that live in the same town I do. They chose to contact my sister who lives 45 minutes away. This agency told my sister and my brother-in-law, that they have a 2 hour limit to make a decision on rather or not they would keep my son. My sister and husband unfortunately said no. This agency didn't reach out to my brother or my parents, instead they placed him with strangers we did not know,
Then, accusations of my son having severe health problems began. It started with accusations of seizures, to later find after an MRI and several neurological doctors, my son did not have a seizure. He had a large surgery at a year and a half for tubes, tonsils, adenoids, clogged tear duck, and a lung wash. He was diagnosed with infantile asthma, sleep apnea, and GERD. Medication was provided for everything. Sleep apnea is now no longer, GERD also went away. My son was in as many therapies imaginable. Physical, occupational, feeding, social and emotional, developmental and orthopedic therapy. He also underwent a psychological evaluation, autism evaluation, and genetic testing. In 2022 my son then had a feeding tube surgically inserted due to allegations of him aspirating. Mind you, he never completed a swallow study, these allegations were coming from the foster parents.And the doctors just went with it. Foster parents were psychologist, who had a good way at manipulating someone to believe what they were saying to be factual.
Life was at this point was extremely overwhelming. But this was all diagnosed from a doctor, so it must be true. My poor son, he went through so much torture medically it makes me sick. Pokes and pried on entirely way too much. Breaks my heart to even think about everything he endured.

Dad started using again, but somehow was very much liked by our new Lead CW. His drug use eventually led to harassment that forced me to obtain an EOP on him. I retained information I was provided in DV class and utilized that knowledge to successfully get an OP. How was I in the wrong? Prior to OP dad's inconsistency of drug screens forced the judge to order hair follicle tests for dad and me. I knew I was good. I was screening multiple times a week, attending classes and therapy, maintaining a sober life. My son's father was soon arrested and went to prison. Finally, I got this, he's gone, my son is coming home to me when this is all said and done. Hair follicle test came back negative for any illicit drugs. My CW calls me and tells me that 2 months ago, after hair test, I had 2 dirty drops. This couldn't be possible, I just passed a much more scientific and invasive test to prove I had not been using. CW said the hair test I took came back as incomplete because the nurse didn't collect enough hair. So I then went back a few weeks later, to find I was negative for all illicit drugs. The state put in a petition to terminate parental rights. At this point I hired a private paid attorney who had been practicing family law for 30 years. The judge then soon ordered me to complete a physiological examination, because even though I was forced to see a psychiatrist- I was now on too many psychotropic medications. I took the exam with the states/DCFS appointed doctor. The conclusion of that was a cognitive disorder. Simone with this disorder can most definitely parent a child. The psyc and follicle test was never brought up or spoken about in court. My attorney put in 16 different motions that were all denied. My constitutional rights were violated, I was discriminated upon for having a cognitive disorder. I have my own business in the community for over 19 years. Working at my current jobs for 13 years and 17 years. I had substantial income monthly, a beautiful townhome, a reliable vehicle, insurance and a support system. After dad was gone this agency and DCFS literally attacked me for everything possible.
My son soon graduated out of therapies. Amy and all test performed on him all came back normal. Only thing was the feeding tube. The doctor undermined me and told me I needed to come to terms with the idea that my son may potentially never eat or drink again. His feeding tube was inserted in his belly, in November 2022. The last appointment I saw with the doctor in September 2023, the doctor mentioned his feeding soup would not be able to be removed until one year after the last time it was used. That was the last time I saw the doctor.
Coming to terms with everything, I started to open up to the foster parents, exploring the idea of surrendering my rights to this one lady in particular. The reason why I did this, is because every motion was denied, the judge never threw me a bone. I had been cleaned for over a year, according to the allegations of the using on July 20 and 25th of 2022 clean for almost 2 years. Knowing that the hair follicle test did not weigh in Court, neither did my psych vow, I was feeling very defeated. DCFS does a great job at breaking you down, and they do nothing to help build you back up. They made it to where I was almost incompetent to take care of my child. My son would arrived at a visit, and his feeding tube would not be working, or the numbers on his feeding machine would be intentionally zeroed out making it very difficult for me to have any success. I would call the 800 # on the back of pump and navigate my way through it with the nurse on the phone. Mind you, I could tell my CW hated what I was doing. Heaven forbid should I advocate for not only myself but my son! The foster parents wanted my child, I got the big picture, but what could I do about it at this point I was in a state and I was coerced by the foster parents to make me believe that sorting my rights was the best option. Was made and many promises on how it would go if I did surrender my rights, leaving me to feel somewhat comfortable about that idea. On October 31 of 2023, I in fact, surrender my rights to this foster parent. About a month after my was closed, my attorney received a final report stating that in November, my son's feeding tube had been removed. Remind you, the doctor had just told us earlier that year that it could not be removed until one year after the last time it was used. but I didn't care about what has been said all I care about is my son does not have a feeding any longer, he can finally be a healthy little boy.
I have tried to have a relationship with the foster parent, but she is hesitant due to things that were set in court. My attorney did contact DCFS legal multiple times, I had a caseworker fired due to breach of confidentiality, many attempts to contact general with no response. And we did report to DCF legal of foster parents with having Munchhausen syndrome. Because I did all of these things, the foster parent will not have contact with me.
I have contacted my local congressman, Senator, civil rights union and Chicago along with other pro bono attorneys. I have contacted Illinois state for recommendations on attorneys that would be willing to DCFS. None of these attorneys have bothered to return my calls or emails.
I'm not. I never surrendered my rights. But most importantly, I know I should've been given a fair chance to get my son back. I did everything I was supposed to do with my service . I took additional classes with my advocate, on how to take care of children with physical and mental illnesses. I voluntarily took myself to narcotic anonymous meetings 3 to 4 times a week on top of maintaining two jobs. I attended not one but two intense outpatient treatments and drug rehab facility, completed both of them successfully. Completed domestic violence successfully. Attended weekly therapy addressing matters that got my son taken out of my care, how to maintain a healthy relationship with myself, and with someone else, and boundaries. I. am currently still. attending those therapies. I still see a psychiatric doctor, to this day. I did not use illicit drugs on July 20 and 25th of 2022 like I am being accused of. At this point I would own up to it. I also have a hair follicle test favors me, but for some reason was never brought up in court to be a benefit of me. Nor the psychiatric evaluation.
I have reached out to Chicago civil rights union, but only was denied by them. I also have reached out to other pro bono attorneys hoping they would take on my case. I have reached out to the Illinois bar for recommend any attorneys would be willing to pick up a DCFS case. None of these attorneys have emailed or called me back, I'm very frustrated, but I'm not giving up. I plan to continue to tell my son and I story. Hoping one day someone will shine a light on it. It is disgusting what the judicial system is all about. There is so much fraud and discrimination in my case, it is disgusting. This is something I would live with if I thought I was in the wrong, but I wasn't. My son does not deserve to live a life without his mother. This is my only child, I'm 36 years old, Why doesn't the courts DCFS want him to be together? What is so wrong with me? They have beat me up and drug me through the dirt and you feel like I am not capable to take care of my son. It's very disheartening, but it's my reality. This is real life, and I can't believe I'm the one living to tell it. Illinois is one of 13 states that by the grace of God allows a parent to regain custody after surrendering of rights.
If I could please get any advice on how to go about this tragedy, or provide me with a someone who I could get in connection with, I would sincerely appreciate anything.


Name, telephone number, and your contact information were redacted to protect your privacy!!!!

Don't post your contact information on any internet discussion sites, if you wish to AVOID being scammed, or maybe murdered.

I wish you health, happiness, and emotional healing.

There's nothing anyone on this site can do to assist you with your troubled situation.

I suggest you work with your attorney of record and endeavor to regain legal custody of your child.
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