Forcing me to make a Deposition?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: CA


I have recently filed for child support increase after five years when I found out my Ex
has over 4 income properties and expendable monies over $200,000 that they been hiding.
The Ex hired a big named attorney and they are forcing me to make a Deposition?
What in the world would they ask me? I only make $30,000 a year?
Meantime the hearing being continued and continued.
Can child support increase be retroactive?
The child support increase, if awarded, will probably be retroactive to the date of filing.

I don't know what the deposition will involve, but I found a site with some good tips on how to handle yourself during a deposition. Although it discusses a deposition for another type of case, the suggestions are applicable to yours as well:

Good luck.
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