filed execution

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New Member
I filed an execution on one of my clients that we won a judgement on. The sheriff reported back that the debitor refused to make payment. The sheriff returned the paper back to the courts as unsatisfied. The debitor stated to the sheriff that he could not pay at this time. That he was trying to get in contact with the creditor to satisfy his debt. His 60 days for the execution papers being filed will be up on the 17th of April then what happens? If he still hasn't satisfied the judgement?
I am guessing here ask the court to file papers discovery of assets . Then ask to garnishment of wages and lien bank account or property. Call the clerk of the court . They will guide you.
So then what your saying is that the Execution papers were a waste of money and because it was returned to the courts unsatisfied. That I basically have to start over again?
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