Ex will not communicate with me

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New Member
My jurisdiction is Nevada.

My ex and I have joint physical custody...one week on/off. The exchanges are on Wednesdays. He has had an issue with the language of the C.O. which states the exchanges will take place "after school" on Wednesdays. Of course school is out now. I interpreted it to mean 3:15 which is the time school was dismissed. He said it's after HE gets off work. I'm taking classes and had to hire a babysitter when he wasn't there at 3:15 at finally did the exchange at 10 PM on Wednesday when I got home. I wrote him an email, the preferred communication between us, asking if he wants them at 3:15, or to pick them up from the babysitter, or exchange at 10. He absolutely will not answer my email which I know he has read. Should I just assume its 10 if I don't hear from him? He takes me back to court for EVERYTHING. The judge is as tired of him as I am. I don't really have the money to go back to court so I wanted to see what the concensus was here. What would all of you do?
My jurisdiction is Nevada.

My ex and I have joint physical custody...one week on/off. The exchanges are on Wednesdays. He has had an issue with the language of the C.O. which states the exchanges will take place "after school" on Wednesdays. Of course school is out now. I interpreted it to mean 3:15 which is the time school was dismissed. He said it's after HE gets off work. I'm taking classes and had to hire a babysitter when he wasn't there at 3:15 at finally did the exchange at 10 PM on Wednesday when I got home. I wrote him an email, the preferred communication between us, asking if he wants them at 3:15, or to pick them up from the babysitter, or exchange at 10. He absolutely will not answer my email which I know he has read. Should I just assume its 10 if I don't hear from him? He takes me back to court for EVERYTHING. The judge is as tired of him as I am. I don't really have the money to go back to court so I wanted to see what the concensus was here. What would all of you do?

I would exchange at 10:00 if he hasn't responded. Save your emails. Have you already had exchanges at 10:00?

In your other thread, you said that he was able to pick them up at 3:15 when they are dismissed from school. That might help you, but if he picked them up after work last summer, then he may have a good argument for picking them up after work this summer.

Why is the sitter so far away? Can't you find someone in your neighborhood who can watch them on Wednesday?
We exchanged this first time during the summer at 10...but I never want to ASSUME anything with him that's why I sent the email.

Last summer we didn't have this problem because I am a teacher and I was the preferred care giver since I was off from work during the summer; however, because he expected 'me' to hire a sitter during his weeks custody weeks when I wasn't available, it was changed in court. He took me back to court last summer for contempt because I notified him three weeks in adavance on days that I was unable to care for them one day out of the week because I had a medical procedure scheduled. The judge told him he would have to take care of his own day care needs and that he was lucky to have me.

The sitter is so far away because I don't know too many people here and this is a friend who has agreed to do it for free. 6 hours of childcare for 2 kids free...I can't pass that up.

Thanks for the input.
I have to agree with the advice in your other thread; that is, get the order clarified. However, if I were you, I would continue with the arrangement as it is since he hasn't communicated with you otherwise. You have the emails to back you up.

You might be able to work out an agreement for the summer on your own if you could both agree to change the day you exchange to one during which you don't have class.
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