Do I have the right to approach a judge directly?

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New Member
My children were returned to South Africa under a Hague Application ruling, in his ruling the judge acknowledged that there was an agreement between myself an my ex wife where she had requested that the kids live with me in the USA but as she had changed her mind 9 months later and requested that the kids be returned the judge said we shoudl sort this issue out in South Africa, he ordered their return.
Since their return I have been denied access to my kids and my kids have been refused access to any of my family members, this is directly against the existing court order, my ex says we will kidnap the kids therefore we cannot have access to them, this even though they remained with me in the USA on her direct instructions (2 separate affidavits provided by her with these instructions).
As I can no longer appeal this ruling, can I approach the judge directly to let him know that his ruling is being perverted to prevent my access to my kids?
I need to have his ruling clarified in that he did not say that I kidnapped my kids, he acknowledged taht they had remained as a result of an agreement.
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