Denied the "right" to view Laser Gun speed

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New Member
I received a speeding ticket today. After the initial "license and registration" speech from the officer, he informed me that I was speeding. I asked him how fast I was going. He said 50 MPH (in a 40 zone). I asked if I could see the radar reading and he said "No". He said I waited too long to ask and the gun automatically turns off after 4 minutes to conserve the battery. I told hime I was not speeding, I was merging into lanes as I was traveling in a two lane road that was merging into one. He said I was still going 40 in a 50 zone and merging is no excuse for speeding.

When he came back for me to sign the ticket, I noticed that the ticket was for 55 MPH. I said " wrote this for 55 when twice during our conversation you said I was going 50??!!" He said "Go to court, that's what it is there for." My question is, do I not have the right to view the radar? Four minutes is no where near enough time to be able to do that. And secondly, it was so frustrating that he said 50 twicw abd than wrote it for 55! Would there be any motivation for him to do that? I live in Riverside County California
Laser Gun Technology

Is anyone familiar with laser speed gun technology. Do the guns in fact turn off after 4 minutes to conserve the battery? Wouldn't there still be a way to retrieve the information stored? A friend of mine said they use a similar technology to track their son's pitching speed and information can be retrieved. I think what is so frustrating for anyone who gets a ticket is that they are not being treated fairly. Like a lot of other people who come here, I KNOW I was not doing 55. He would not show me the laser reading to support his ticket, and I beleive that there is a reason for this, I believe he thought I may have been speeding and began to pace me. When he actually lasered me, I was not speeding. Therefore, he couldn't show me the reading, but I think he still gave me the ticket based on what he initially visually thought. However, the ticket was written as 55 laser at 310 feet which is a lie.

Any information about laser technology would be appreciated. I actually called one laser manufacturing company for information, but they literally transfer you to a recording that says they wont help you beat the ticket. Talk about not wanting to bite the hand that feeds you!

I have the ability to go to traffic school, which I am going to do, however, I would like to be able to file a complaint with the officer's supervisor. I think it is important that we can feel comfortable complaining about officers without feeling like "they will be out to get us". If this officer is misquoting poilcy and procedure (not being bale to retrieve data), I would like that to be corrected. Our tax dollars (and ticket fines) pay there salaries. I think it is most certainly fair to question when we think we have been wronged.
To Iwpat

Thank you for the clarification regarding whether or not I have the right to view the laser gun reading. However, I don't appreciate your comment regarding Perry Mason. If the world was made up of people who did not question when they felt like they were being wronged, we would be calling him King George right now instead of President Bush. As a final note, I do believe police officers take A LOT of professional liberties. I do believe that if the officer truly believed I was speeding, he would have no problem writing a ticket to support that, even if there are a few "stretches of the truth" in his documentation. But I also think that it is our responsibility as members of the community to complain if we do not feel we are being treated fairly. That is our ONLY RECOURSE for letting officers know they have someone to be accountable to. If you believe his fellow officers are going to remind him to play fair, I think you would be mistaken. Thank you for your time. Although after reading several threads, I do not really believe this website is here to help "speeders" I do think you do an excellent job of helping people who are truly in need of sound legal advice. Keep up the good work. Libby
Thank you for you last comment.

Do I believe that there are officers that should not be on the road? Certainly and I have encouraged people to file complaints when it was justified. It is very unusual for an officer to stop someone that is only going 10mph over the limit except in a special enforcement zone. Based on your post I felt that he clocked you at 55mph and was giving you a "roadside reduction" to 50mph. When you complained about not seeing the radar he changed his mind as was completely within his authority.

Sorry about the Perry Mason quip. I just hear people complaining about their "rights" all the time when they do not take the time and trouble to get involved to be sure that we keep the few we have. I see that that does not apply to you.
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