Consumer Fraud Debt collection scam! Beware # 706-955-4897

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New Member
This morning, while at work mind you, I recieved the most bizarre voicemail on my cellphone. The man had a thick foreign accent, and I couldn't make out what he said but it sounded urgent/important and warned me I would "suffer the consequences" of what would happen if I did not call him back...and that he would keep calling my work, my family members, and my home residence until he reached me.

I decided to call and see what was up. Mind you, I already have a lawyer representing me in a FDCPA case so I assumed it was the same collection agency badgering me again and I'd just inform my lawyer in such case.

However, as soon as the man picked up the phone (another man with a similar accent) I became suspicious. There was no "hello, so-and-so collections, may I help you" Just a "Hello" as if I had called somebody's home. I told him I was returning a call to this number (something I immediately started to regret) and after a LOOONG Pause a man came to the phone...

Right away, he was threatening to have me arrested for a "Lawsuit against me" the nature of which he kept altering. First he claimed it was for a "returned check that was returned 3 times" from a bank I never even heard of, and then an "unpaid debt" to a payday loan company (which I knew was paid in full long ago). WHen I explained that it was paid in full, and I had proof he said "no this is for another loan." He kept changing his story...

The scary thing is he knew: My parents names, my ss# and the name of the company I worked for, as well as the name of my former bank.

When I asked him how he got that information he would not give me a straight answer, but PERSISTED in asking me for my bank's routing # as well as account number and how much money I make per month... (I should have just hung up) . I threatened to call my lawyer. He AGAIN threatened "you could go to courts or you could pay this debt" (mind you, the entire conversation he never stated the amount that was owed).

I told him to give ME the name of his company and he gave me two different names: Transcontinental Financial Company and Transcontinental Credit Union.

I told him I'll give him I'll have my lawyer contact him, and he became very angry and said "lawyer lawyer lawyer,...that's all you say is lawyer! A lawyer cannot help you out of this financial mess...only you yourself can do that with payment..."

I told him that yes, I do have to contact my lawyer because he was violating my rights under the FDCPA. At that, he hung up.

Right away, I did call my lawyer. As soon as I gave him the phone number of this "collection agency" he informed me that it was a BIG FRAUD.
They had other complaints about this company. It's pretty much a fraud/extortion ring that poses as a collection agency, and they try to cash in on old debts (whether paid off or not).

That is so scary that they have my name, number and SS#. I subscribe to Lifelock but I wonder if it's really helping me if someone like that can get a hold of my info. :eek:
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