Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI court for dui

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New Member
ok i went to court for a dui driving under the influnce of intoxicating compound.I couldnt afford an attorny so i asked for one at court.When the judge was like your were given a ticket for driving with an alcholic beverage.when i wasnt even drinking.I got a ticket for driving under the influnce of intoxicating compounds.My attorny asked me if your gave the cops blood or urine i said no.He said thats good because they dont have any evidence except the 1.5g that they found but i paid the ticket for that already.Anyway possible my dui will be dismissed?
I live in illinois and im going to be 17 on my next court date?can i go by my self with my attorny/will they try and try me as an adult at trial?
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