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New Member
I received a summon from the court of clearwater florida stating that i had 20 calendar days to file a written response. I receiver the papars on nov 24th and the were sent on oct 14th and 10 days later the mother of my child gave temporarily custody of him to my aunt without verifying it with any of my behalfs. Patenrnity has not been established yet but in the documents i receiver she is petitioning for the paternity to be established. At this moment am not finanacially stable to support this child due to living on my own and making $300 a week and supporting myself. I dont know yet how much do i have to pay for the child support but i dont understand how she gave up custody without my consent and on the copy of the letter that i received it states that my aunt is going to support the child financially, emotionally and phisically.If you could please help me i would appreciate it. I would like to know if this changes in any way the child support papers.Thank you for your time.
Paternity has not been eatablished so you have no legal rights to the child, therefore your consent is not necessary for her to give temp. custody to someone else.

When paternity is established you will likely be ordered to pay child support. Call legal aid and see if you qualify for help. whatever you do do not ignore the summons, or a default judgement or default paternity will likely be established.
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