
A case of negligence?
Negligence for what, by whom?
Sorry, you were caught cheating.
The professor changed her/his position after you went to his/her superior.
In the real world, such stunts often backfire.
Nothing to see here, nothing wrong here, time to take your bitter medicine.
So students are given an online exam with a time limit. The professor determines that two of the students - who happen to have also used the same computer - also happen to have extremely similar answers. I think that everything beyond that fact is moot, although I'd have to wonder why a second proctored exam wouldn't be sufficient in place of an exam which there is an accusation or cheating or possible cheating which would invalidate the exam. It's possible there may be remedies but the leverage a student may have is that the similarities were not nearly enough for a reasonable person to conclude that the two students were cheating. But as to why two students had to share the same computer - I don't know why one would want to even arouse such suspicion if this was easily detectable.