child out of infidelity

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New Member
ok here it is, i know of this person, a co worker who had a baby girl in 2004 and she kept the baby for one year and then we stopped seeing the baby, so one day i asked her about the baby and she said she didnt have time to take care of her because she works so much, that she sent her to live with her mother in jamaica. now im not a mother but i know a lot of mothers who would agree with that, you cant have a baby and send her away! that baby has to grow up with her mother . another reason that she sent the baby away is because she had the baby with her married boss, she is friends with his wife and the baby looks just like the boss, i still dont think that is a good enough reason to keep the baby away. now the child was born in america so isnt there a law against that?
If paternity was never established then the father has no rights. Apparantly mom was able to get a passport for the child.

This is really moms decision. if she wants the baby back she needs to get an attorney. If the boss wants to find out if the baby is his then he would have to file a paternity suit. Since the child is in Jamaica they probably have jurisdiction which complicates things.
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