Can Condo Board increase owner land?

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New Member
I own a condo in WA state. Lots of greenbelts. Homes are different sizes, but
backyards are same size. Owner on end unit asked board if he could take down his back fence and move it to incorporate association land to make his yard 6 times bigger. They said yes. I think this is wrong. They have given him personal use of association land and he is building a crappy fence. The board demands that we use licensed and bonded contractors for any project. I sent a letter of protest to board and property manager that they had set a dangerous precedent. Other owners will start wanting to move fences and we
all do not have the same amount of greenbelt around us. I requested a letter from the board if this had been approved by their attorney. Any condo attorney's out there that can give me info or condo owner's?
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