Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Can charges be brought even if police weren't called?

I was stopped by Costco security for eating from my cart while shopping and then leaving the whole cart behind, chips and all, when the checkout lines were too long. (Stupid, I know, and I am more than a little bit ashamed.) They marched me back inside and I paid for the food and they canceled my membership. They threatened to call the police but never did, but I'm wondering if charges can still be brought anyway. This was several weeks ago but I'm still losing sleep over it.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Let me be clear on this you paid for food after being caught? If so do you have receipt? Long as you paid for food your in the clear they cannot file charges nor seek Civil Demand they opted to allow you to pay and revoked your membership. By the way it was unwise to name store on public forum