Bio father just really doesn't care.

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New Member
I have sole legal custody of my two children, 10 & 8. Their father has not been present in their lives since they were newborn infants. He pays support, sporadically. He has signed papers agreeing to passports for them and I am about to seek permission for them to leave the country. I will be sending them abroad (I am to follow) to my parents for them to connect with their other heritage, culture and family members. Does this mean that biological father would not be obligated to still pay support? Should I have the support be forwarded to my parents instead?

On another note I am currently going through CSEA review for medical support. My health insurance premiums have been raised to beyond 5% of my salary and it's crippling me when it comes to taking care of the children, I am the one ordered to carry health insurance, but bio father keeps submitting low ball income numbers so as to make sure he doesn't have to pay much. I tried applying to the state health insurance for children and was told I make too much (and some other info that was rather disturbing). Bio father just doesn't really care about paying on time, I just no longer know what to do. Is there anyway I can highlight and emphasize how the cost of carrying health insurance is crippling the finances intended for the children? The 1st review was all purely based on numbers and he came out of like a shining, golden star with reduced payments.
i managed to piece together the answer to the international question from some other sources on the net.
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Well I went to the Administartive hearing. Decision will be mailed, however, officer stated that he was going to order that neither one of us be obligated to carry the medical support amount as he was able to clearly see from my paperwork that premiums are 14+% of my salary. May be I'll be able to apply for state health for the children at least.

Unfortunately bio dad started talkin about visitation and hearing officer cut him reminding him that he does not consider that in this setting and that it is a matter for the courts.
Good luck to you, and be glad that bio dad really isn't around, but he'll prolly try to jam you up for moving abroad. The proof is in all your documents for costs of the medical insurance, I don't see why they wouldn't agree with you there, and why the courts just can't realize these deadbeats do whatever they can to get out of child support. I think the amount should be just set per child, all the same, no matter what someone makes.
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