Recent content by wendy

  1. wendy

    motion for contempt of visitation

    What state was the child born in and what state does she reside in now?
  2. wendy

    Custody Conference

    If his lawyer said it was ok, then go. If the ex does make a big deal, bow out gracefully. Let her be the one to make a fool of herself, and don't make yourself look bad by fighting back.
  3. wendy

    motion for contempt of visitation

    New Question on jurisdiction Ok, I have been doing research on this,(my first thread) and I am wondering if Ohio has the jurisdiction over visitation orders. My question is, does PA have jurisdiction instead of ohio due to the fact the PA is the child's "home state"? She lives there with her...
  4. wendy

    Getting Custody from my "mother"

    If you can't afford an attorney, that what I would recommend is to do your research. Get online and research the laws for your state/county. In my state/county it is called "Domestic Relations Division" of the common pleas court. I was also able to find literature as to what to prove for a...
  5. wendy

    motion for contempt of visitation

    I know that you can file a motion for the court to find her in contempt. But like with my situation, I do not know if they will find her in contempt and if that will really help with seeing the child. I guess I will know more in august unless someone else has an insight.
  6. wendy

    Visitation Enforcement

    where did the divorce take place?
  7. wendy

    good father bad laws

    is the set amount alimony? or is stated as child support?
  8. wendy

    Getting Custody from my "mother"

    In the state and county where your mother obtained custody, you will need to make a motion to the courts for custody. I would recommend getting an attorney, unless your mother is agreeable to the change. It could get complicated if she fights it. Your son wanting to live with you may carry...
  9. wendy

    Aunt giving custody back to mother

    your sister will need to make a motion before the common pleas court for custody. call the clerk of courts in your county and they will give you the forms needed.
  10. wendy

    16 year old out of control

    It sounds like you have residential custody of your daughter, and she visits with her dad one night a week and on the weekends. It also sounds like she has decided, not the courts to spend half the week at her dad's house. I am not an attorney, and you should check with your state laws, but...
  11. wendy

    motion for contempt of visitation

    My husband's ex wife moved to PA almost 2 years ago. They have 4 children together, and my husband has residential custody of 3 of the 4. The 4th child now resides in PA with her mother. Since the move to PA, it has been increasingly difficult for my husband to see/speak to his daughter. I...