Wrongful Termination - Drug Testing.

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I was wrongfully terminated after refusing to be taken by someone else to a drug screening immediately without any paperwork or being told of my rights.

I was granted unemployment after 8 months of appealing and I was found to have been terminated wrongly.

this happened 2 years ago. I lost my house because of this.
no lawyers will return my emails or phone calls.
can i sue them under Minnesotas DATWA (drug and alcohol testing in the workplace act) and win without a lawyer? or can you recommend a lawyer?
whats the statute of limitations for this?
Why didn't you just take the drug test to begin with? Did you have something to hide? A job is more important than doing drugs...but that's JMO.;)
well the law is the law. just because they have more money and lawyers should not mean anything. the truth is unchanging... they violated the law.
it is the law that they must provide paperwork and let me know of my rights, which they did neither even after i specifically asked them to.

@patricia its definately helping more than its hurting.

@spyke65 they were trying all kinds of ways to fire me. they did not like me.
i simply wanted to know my rights before doing ANYTHING out of the ordinary like they had us doing.

they were having us solicit door advertisements without a permit and when i refused and asked about my rights they cut my hours to only door hanging.

they refused me my mandatory breaks. I got 0 per day and always worked more than 8 hours.

they did not pay me my final check until 18 days after termination.
i was being harassed in many ways.

the question is still not fully answered.
is there anyone who will represent me?
does anyone have any specific questions about my case?
Doesn't my employer have to give me a break?
The state law requires employers to provide restroom time and sufficient time to eat a meal. If the break is less than 20 minutes in duration, it must be counted as hours worked. Time to use the nearest restroom must be provided within each four consecutive hours of work. Meal time applies to employees who work eight or more consecutive hours (see Minnesota Statutes 177.253 and 177.254).


Re notice of termination:

Your final pay, if fired, was due within 24 hours of termination, or 24 hours from the time of a written demand.

You can file complaints with the state DOL for these issues. However, it has nothing to do with unemployment insurance eligibility.

You WERE an employee, not an independent contractor, right?
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