Would this be a conflict of interest

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New Member
Hello I just found this forum today its great I wish I would have found it earlier. My question is my kids dad has been charged with first degree murder. They have no evidence no weapon This murder happened at a club. with at least 5 people shooting. Anyway I just found out from our states court site that the DA once defended the victim in a criminal case when she was a lawyer. Would this be a conflict of interest?
Hello I just found this forum today its great I wish I would have found it earlier. My question is my kids dad has been charged with first degree murder. They have no evidence no weapon This murder happened at a club. with at least 5 people shooting. Anyway I just found out from our states court site that the DA once defended the victim in a criminal case when she was a lawyer. Would this be a conflict of interest?

Is the DA the actual person prosecuting this case on behalf of the state or it an ADA representing the State?
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