Worried and scared from ticket

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New Member
:( Back in Feb. of 2009 I was pulled over for passenger tail light out, in which I recieved a ticket for, along with, no insurance (of which I was not aware of when pulled over, my husband had emergency open heart surgery and was in ICU. 3 days prior to my being pulled over and I forgot to make my insurance payement and my insurance expired. I did ask the officer if I could call at that moment to reinstate and he said no. Also I was ticketed for driving with suspended Tag. My Tags where very much up to date and current, the officer said this ticket was automaticly given with no insurance. I cannot possibly explain how I was feeling during all this plus worried about how I was gonna tell my husband still in ICU at the time about my tickets.
It is now November 2009 and I have been unable to pay these tickets, (I was in the hospital myself with a heart arrythemia during my court date and since have just been to scared to call the courts because I do not have the finances. My husband is totally and completly disabled and I cannot put food on my table 3-4 days a week due tomedical and prescription costs. I drive to and from work scared out of my mind and am ready for a breakdown from fear but I do not know what I can Do. I cannot possibly tell you how badly I was treated by this officer, never at any time was I rude or disrespectfull to him just yes sir and even a thank you when he handed me the tickets. I do not wish to pursue anything just find a way to clear up my license which has now been suspended and my bill without the suspended license is about $2,000.00

Thank You any advice is appreciated

Just want to be on the right side of the law
About the only way you are going to get this resolved is to go to court. However 9 months later, I would imagine it has escalated to a warrant for your arrest. So, I would contact a traffic attorney and go from there. Their fees are generally reasonable, and although it is extra money, you are probably in this far enough that you really need one.
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