Won't pay City Taxes

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New Member
We have a small trucking company that owns ground & parks their trucks in our small town, they work on the trucks there, etc. His trucks are tearing up our roads,etc. The problem is he don't pay taxes in our town for he claims his business is run from his home which is outside of our city limits. We have been told his book keeper works at his shops in our town.
Can he get by with this?
As long as the town lets him, sure. And maybe even after that if there's no legal grounds requiring him to pay. What does the town think of this?
As long as the town lets him, sure. And maybe even after that if there's no legal grounds requiring him to pay. What does the town think of this?
They want this guys butt but they don't think they could do anything because the business is regestered from his home outside of town. I say this is bull.
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