wont allow me to have a second job. That doesnt interfeer with there company

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New Member
I am only nineteen and just moved out on my own. well i started working for a coffee restrant and i was hired in as full time. well i am not getting enough hours so i desided that i would get a second job. So while filling out an application it asked for my boss's name so i caled her and asked her. when i told her the reasoning why and that i wasnt getting enough hours at work (at the not 15 hours a week) she told me that i would have to put in my 2 weeks notice and would not be able to have a second job casue its there policy to not work with second job scheduals. In which they did not tell me that when i was hired in. Then when the schedual came up this week they only gave me one day to work which is less then part-time. So can they deny me to have a second job that has nothing to do with compititon with there company.
"Having a second job" is not a characteristic protected by law. So while technically they cannot stop you from having a second job, they CAN fire you for having a second job.
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