withholding allowed for cash shortage?

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New Member
I recently started at a fast food restaurant in California. At similar previous jobs I've been informed that while i can be written up, even fired, for cash shortages, I can not be held directly financially responsible short of criminal conduct for cash drawer shortages.
At this store by both the person training me and other employees i have been told that it's general practice to use money from their own pocket to make up small shortages, and that anything larger would be taken out of my paycheck.
Is it legal to withhold or expect payment into the drawer in this circumstance.
If it makes any difference, my current restaurant is a franchise, and the previous ones were corporate owned

One more question is, is it legal to provide a uniform, but expect payment for said uniform(withheld from first paycheck), i.e. 10$ for a shirt 5$ for hat, 2$ for a name tag, etc.
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