With no evidence of allegations and a clean hair follicle, they took my son

The morning of court is when i was made aware court even existed. Two hours into court i go and sit in the lobby approximately 5 hours awaiting to be called into the court room in wich i never was. I was told i would get a copy of the order basically to go home and wait, all while my son was with his father by agreement. Behind my back he said i neglected my son and was going through a foreclosure as well as a marijuana user. The paperwork from that court hearing came the very next day,hand delivered by the police, there was another court date(3months out) and i never seen or talked to my son again for many months to come. I called everyday I left messages with the judge , i argued with the front desk help. I almost lost my entire mind!! This next court date approaches, i go to court and am told to shut up and stay seated. I was given 24 hours to go complete a hair follicle and another court date was set for 3 months out, now still only seeing my child supervised!! At parent place, once every two weeks for two hours. My kid and i were devastated. He had no idea what he had done wrong to be punished and why wouldnt i let him come home. Needless to say the jusdge said to tell him He made the decision cause mom and dad are misbehaving, wow im dumbfounded at this point as well as sunk so far in depression i will never see my way out, i cant keep a job, i dont eat i dont sleep, My entire world is a catastrophe and im still not seeing MY SON. Tim Irwin ordered me 12 sunday visits supervised by by MOM whom doesn't get along with me at all then undergo alch and rehab plus a mental eval and continue to urinate in the public view of the restrooms in court with a lady impatiently waiting to collect,and for what??????? My hair folicle was NEGATIVE. HAVING ALL THIS SAID agian for like the 17th time i wander honestly who gives a shit and who doesnt cause im broke,they know it, and all the while my world, my life, my baby has been just fuckd off by strangers whom think they know better than, why??? someone please tell me. Some one please tell me i dont have to just continue to be bullied and there is a end to all this anguish...PLEASE
There is an end to it.
It seems you are very unfamiliar with the processes taking place and aren't getting or haven't understood explanations.
You should not be going through this alone. There are resources available for assistance.
Here is a starting point for potential help.

Legal Aid/Legal Services in Tennessee | Tennessee Bar Association

The resources found there may not be able to assist you directly, but can point you in the right direction to find what you need. Make some phone calls.
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