wills and inheritance question

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my mother's will states that my brother gets 1/2, I get 1/4, and my daughter gets 1/4 of her estate, written to protect my daughter. For practical purposes, let's say my 1/4 is $100,000.
case 1: If my mother should die, and later, we divorce, does my 1/4
($100,000) get split 50/50 between my husband and I as CT is a community property?
case 2 - How about if I die - after my mother, and I've collected the $100,000 - is the $100,000 split 50/50 between my husband and daughter?
Is there a way to keep the $100,000 "in the family" - my daughter? My will( draft) states all my assets are split between my daughter and husband in the event of my death.
Senerio: My thought is if my mother willed 1/2 to me and 1/2 to my brother, and after her death, my husband could sue for divorce, & get 1/2 of everything that's mine, and I feel my mother's and father's hard earned money should stay in the family, mainly my daughter in the event of my death.
Thank you.
Even in a community property state, money that you receive through an inheritance remains yours alone unless you put it in a marital account or use it for the marriage. As long as you keep it in a separate account, you can will it to your daughter.
thanks - another senerio: if I inherit $100,000 and pay off the mortgage that's in my name (but jointly paid), and get divorced, then the house is community property and is 1/2 his? Or could the courts remove and separate the inheritance portion out of the property in the event of divorce or death? or is the solution is to put the $ in a CD in my name only or something, I could will it to my daughter in the even of my death.
Putting it in a CD or other account is your best option. You can make it POD to your daughter so it passes outside of probate. A better option is to put it in a living trust.
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