i've been married just under three years...my wife quit paying three loans, five credit cards, the house payment, car loan, and the utilies on a regular basis..the house loan is in my name, we signed on the house three months after we wed, so she signed a quit claim deed to the house. three credit cards where in her name, one loan in mine, one in her's and one opened in my name that i didn't know i had. both cars are in my name...the house was sent to a lawyers office to go to foreclosure court...i came home one night from working and found the notice in the bathroom that the county placed on my door. since november i've paid all my back bills up through payments to collection agencies that i was sue over...this total is between 18,000 and 20,000 dollars. the question i have is , i'm i entitled to any portion of this money paid in a divorce toward the equity i would have to split with her...since we live in mi, the no fault statue is in effect. she, hasn't made good on all of her bills, now she has a vechile in her fathers name, not making regular payments...she made payments for this debt on my bank account without me knowing...then she has debt in her mothers name........i forgot to let you know that she was the party in the marriage responsilble for paying the bills.