Who legally "owns" this email address?

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New Member
I had a paid account with America Online that began in 1998. From then until 2005, when AOL went the way of free email accounts, I paid the bill.

I created an email account for my ex, and it was under the "master screen name," which is the one I created and paid for during those seven years.

He still uses this email address. I know that I can get the pw if I want to because it's still listed under my screen name. I'd really like to know what he's doing, but I haven't taken any steps to do this for a couple of reasons. One is that it just seems like a dirty way to play. (He has played very, very dirty, though, to the point of committing perjury and enlisting my oldest child to do the same.) Second is that I don't want to wind up in legal trouble if he finds out I've read his email.

Then again, the opportunities to find out what nasty step he's got up his sleeve for me next are very, very tempting.

So . . . does anyone know if I am the legal owner of that email address, since I created it under my main account with America Online?
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