Where should we file?

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New Member
My finance is trying to get custody of his almost 4 year old daughter. Him and the mother were never married and she is not fit to be a parent, she has 3 kids and only has custody of my fiances little girl. This is such a sad case. The first time that this little girl came to my house she could not talk tbut she could play dead and play fetch and I thought this was a little weird and I talked to him about it and he told me that all the mother did was sit on the computer all day, later on I found this to be true when she "lost" his little girl. I have a stack of papers against this woman on stunts that she has pulled and where I document everything in hopes that my fiance can get his child into a safe enviroment. Our problem is we do not know where to file. WE currently live in Paducah, ky. The mother moves a round a lot pretty much everytime rent is due she moves, the mother and the child are living in south point, OH in a motel room where the mother works part time. The child support papers were files in williamson co. , TN where the mother and my fiance and I were living at the time. There are no currently no custody papers. Where should he file for custody?
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