When can I move out?

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New Member
Okay so I'm dating this guy and we want to move in with each other. We been dating for a long time. I just want to know what age can I legally move out of my moms.
18 unless you have parent permission, which you won't get because of the 101 ways your mom can get into legal trouble herself when she ignores her responsibility toward you.
You must be a juvenile. You and your boyfriend likely can't afford to support yourselves anyway, and if you are saying someone older who might happen to have a minimum wage paycheck, I assure you the happy days would be short lived. He will either get tired of you and send you back to mom or he will get arrested for messing around with little girls... and you will end up back with mom with legal troubles.
You can legally move out the very minute you turn 18. Until then, you live where your mom says you live.

Just FYI, the very minute you move out, your mom has no legal obligation to contribute one thin dime towards your support.
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