What's my best option when a debt is going to civil court?

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New Member
In January I received a Summons regarding a collection of 3210.84 due a repo from about 5 years ago. I filed an answer agreeing to the repo on questioned the amount and the reason, as well as having no contact from the collector until I actually got my Summons, that's when I found out. I just got done with the pre trial Conference. The lawyer for the plaintiff said that I actually owed around 4900.00 due to interest and other fees. They mailed the disclosure to my old address and I never received it. She said she can negotiate down to 3745.00 and cannot go lower. I didn't at this time accept to settle for that amount. I was wondering if it's better for me to just pay the negotiated settlement or hire an attorney? Would be more money to go through the trial with an attorney and "hopefully" win or just pay the settlement?
Purely a mathematical question. You owe 3210 minimum, maybe more. You could get out of it for 3745. That's called "sawing it off", and it is quite an effective tactic on anyone who has a calculator. You'd pay a lawyer several thousand to go to trial and haggle about the extra amounts. If you don't want to fight it yourself, take the settlement offer.
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