Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft What's Going to Happen to Me?



I was caught by an LP at Walmart with some friends. He made us write down our information and call someone over 18. I am 16 and had a $9 item both of my friends had items worth more but mine was returned unharmed. I've been reading a lot and most people say to ignore the civil claim that they are sending to me. The LP told me that if I pay it there will be nothing on my record but if I don't then something might show up. He did not make us sign any papers or take pictures of us though, and the police were not called. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
I've been reading a lot and most people say to ignore the civil claim that they are sending to me.

Bad idea.

If you don't pay, the store will still have the option of having you prosecuted for theft.

If you don't care about having a juvenile theft record, feel free to ignore the civil demand letter.

Just understand that, although juvenile records are sealed, these days everything is connected by the internet and even a sealed record might seep out at the most inconvenient time.

the police were not called.

Then you should thank God, or whatever cosmic intelligence you believe in.

One more thing. Better improve your choice of friends. Hang out with criminals and you become one, get hooked on drugs, get a prison record, become unemployable, homeless, and someday you are found dead from exposure in some parking lot or cardboard box under the bridge.
I was caught by an LP at Walmart with some friends. He made us write down our information and call someone over 18. I am 16 and had a $9 item both of my friends had items worth more but mine was returned unharmed. I've been reading a lot and most people say to ignore the civil claim that they are sending to me. The LP told me that if I pay it there will be nothing on my record but if I don't then something might show up. He did not make us sign any papers or take pictures of us though, and the police were not called. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

I'd worry more about what my parents would do to me, than Walmart, the police, or the court.

That said, I've never even thought about crossing the "double yellow line" into the CRIME ZONE.

Before you do anything more, kid, come clean with mommy and daddy.


Because you're a minor.
Even a court can't fine you.
A court can CONFINE you, so behave yourself.

However, if the civil demand goes unpaid, mommy and daddy will have their credit dinged, their lives disrupted by aggressive debt collectors, and they'll find out the truth anyway.

Talk to mom and dad.

Tell them the truth.

Ask them to help.

Otherwise, you can guess how this ends, right????
You need to talk to your parents. It's best that you/your parents pay the civil demand. There can be consequences if you don't.
I really think you should go ahead and pay your for it before it get to that level where charges will be made. Its not good having a criminal record. Its best for you to go ahead and get it out the way. Whether you seen them call the police or not ... They will forever watch your every move when you steal a foot back Into their store . They might even call the police next time you walk in . don't take that risk . pay NOW