Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft What will happen

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I know that when you do the crime you have got to serve the time but I am scared out of my mind. I was arrested a week ago and an facing charges on a class be theft charge. I did take a large amount of money and it was wrong.I have a clean record and when confronted at workk I did confess and cooperate with the police. The odd thing was first off was my bail it was set at $20,000 I mean drug dealers, people who steal cras and such have lower bails they said it was because the amount of money that was taken. I have not lied to the police but like I have said and I so scared as what to expect when I go to my arraingment and such. I am guilty and will not protest but I also want to know how miuch jail time will I get and well since I do have a few mental disorders one being Kleptomania things have happened none illegal since my arrest. So I guess I want to know how much time would I get, do people with my crime go to a normal jail with people who are charged with violent crimes and will I go to jail right after the arranement?
What statute number are you charged under?
I see violation title 17A
section/ordinance 353.1B(1)
Sequence# 008424
Class B
It is called theft by unauthorized taking
Is that what you need? Also should I bring a lawyer to the arringment?
Yes, you need a lawyer.

You forgot your state.
I live in maine the only lawyer I can afford is a public defender,What exactly do you think I am looking at for time?Is there anyway I can get house arrest or something?
How much did you take? Are you able to pay it all back?

I'm aware of women in my State who stole around $10,000-25,000 and didn't get jail time, but had to pay the money stolen back and do a huge amount of community service, and be on probation for 5 years. . .

What happens in your State, in your County, with your particular Judge is pretty much impossible to guess.

Are you able to document your mental disorders (i.e. get letters from a therapist/psychiatrist)?
I dont have any documentation right now I have to meet with a public defender and I was thinking I could aks the to help with getting that. When I get a new job oh yes I will pay it all back but im afaraid it is more then what was mentioned above. I would gladly do community service alaso too I dont care how much and probation I know is comming. I have now learned the hardway, I have hit bottom and I know the only from here is up.
You're not currently working? Then it's very important you get documentation about your mental illnesses and why sending you to jail would be of benefit to nobody. Maybe you should start doing some community service in your spare time.

Good Luck
Yes well on friday I am going to see the public defender and talk to whomever it will b e about getting documentation about mental illness. I know I need to see someone espically in the last week I have tried to kill myself twice becauseof the fear of going to jail. I do have a history and when I was a teenager I was hospitalized. wow this site is really helping me and thanks.
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