Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft what will happen next

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New Member
I got caught for amount of $15.50 at a supermarket in S. NJ on Christmas Eve. The store security gave me a Civil Demand notice ($150) & a banned notice (for 2 yrs). They did not call the police at that time. I have sent them the check as soon as I got home that night, but they have not cash the check yet. I'm really scared now that they will still call the police to file a report one me and soon or later I will receive court notice in the mail because after I read few post here it seems some stores will file the police report at later time instead to sit there wait for the police to come because sometimes it will take few hours for the police to come. What will happen to me next? I'm scared, can't get any sleep. Please Help!
I dont think the police will come to your house, you will probably have to go to court though. Dont worry man, get some sleep, I stole and I'm worried, I havent really ate in the past days. Dont stress it, its small compared to other huge things like homicide and drugs..........I dont think youll spend time in jail either, just have to pay more money or community service.
God Bless.
What is the chance for the store to file the police report on me now since they decided not to call the police at that time?
I know your mind is going in a million different directions, but think about this.

You stole less than $20. To take you through the entire legal system would cost the company way more than $20. The store would be losing money if they took you to court for the theft.

Sure the LP could go to the courts to file charges against you for theft, but due to the low dollar amount, the time involved and your apparent cooperation, I really doubt they will take the time to file the paperwork.

What you need to do is: Take a deep breath, it is not the end of the world. Follow up and make sure the Civil Demand check is cashed and credited to your account. Stay away from the store and any store in the chain. (There are plenty of grocery stores out there). Shoplift no more.

You will be fine, just keep your nose clean.
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