What is an acceptable range for ankle injury?

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New Member
Back on January 3, I was walking into a pet store with my dog. The first two frames of the sidewalk were even. The next two were not and I ended up spraining my ankle pretty badly. I ended up with a "split tendon" in my left ankle. It is now August 25, and the ankle still aches on a daily basis. It is still slightly swollen. I spent several months going through physical therapy. However, after each session, I would be in severe pain for the next 30 hours or so. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but this was a lot for me. The doctor said that he could perform surgery for this, but he's not sure it would help and didn't think it would be worth it for me. What is an acceptable dollar figure for an injury settlement from the negligant company's insurance company? Thanks!
It's impossible to give an estimate. It varies with severity, it varies by jurisdiction. Talk to a personal injury attorney.
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