What Is a Reasonable Settlement??

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New Member
I was involved in an auto accident last may. A 10 wheel delivery truck merged into me without signaling. The other party was found to be at fault. My car was totaled out and I received approx. $4500 which was the value of the car and opted to keep the salvage as it was primarily cosmetic damage. My chiropractor bill totalled to $615 over the course of 4-5 sessions. The initial settlement offer from Mercury Insurance was $750 which I thought was absurd as I still had to pay my medical bill out of that. I asked my someone who asked a friend who is an attorney what was a reasonable settlement and they said for the damage and medical bills about $1400. I came in at $2000 and the consultant countered at $1500 then gave in. I haven't signed any release yet. Is this fair or should I have negotiated for more? Any input is appreciated.
Of course, you should have asked for more, and the adjuster would have low balled that, too!!! Had you asked for $5,000, he'd have countered with $4,000. I think $2,000 is too low with more than $600 in medical bills. But, you should have also sought treatment from a medical doctor. That would have made your case look better. Why not speak with an attorney, and see what he/she says? I'll bet your case is worth at least $15,000-20,000!!!
At this point you have made an offer and they have countered. Making them go higher is going to be met with stiff resistance. You should have asked that question earlier. Sorry, I would tell them $2000 or you are going to contact a lawyer. They will pay off.
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