what do I do now?

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New Member
I have been the main care giver to 4 beautiful children for the last eleven years. Their father a workaholic who wold say he did it for us. The last year I found that I had fallen out of love with him.. to much water under the bridge. I tried to be good about things...told him I didnt want any alimony .. didnt want to take him to the cleaners and just support our kids while I get on my feet. Previous to telling him that I was not inlove with him anymore he lost his job. So after I told him withing 4 days he said he did not want to live in Las Vegas and that he wanted to move back to Seattle...the problem with this is I had no support... he paid all payments for house. I could not afford this house if he left , which meant my children would have no home.He asked if he could take the children( has parents that will support them)I felt very uupset by the thought of this, was very worried and just felt it was not a good idea... but felt I could give them nothing since I had been at home for so many years and just began to work again. I reluctantly said okay but we sat down to write out that he would bring them back at the end of the school year. He promised he would bring them back, that this was so we could both get back on our feet.
Within a week of being in Seattle he said he changed his mind and felt Seattle was the best place for them. Then he says to me " why dont you just move here" .
I Feel like I have no shoice but to move to see my kids... I call to talk to them but I can only talk to them when he deems it so. We are still married and no papers have been filed yet. I have even been told that he is already in a relationship with someone and bringing this woman around my kids. What can I do?I have been the consistant parent and he has swept in and is presenting himself as this great parent , but I know that for the past 11 years he was no existant except for his paycheck.
Since dad has possesion of the kids he does have a right to custody. All you can do is file for divorce in NV and talk to an attorney to see if you would be able to get custody and have the children returned to NV. Unlikely though but you can ask.
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