What are the child custody rights of an absent dad who has delinquent support...

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Number of contact for 8 yrs. Was ok with final paternity results at 3 yrs ok but decided to let only dad known in child's life, to adopt her. Mother and former never made it to that point before separation. A yr ago mother decided to give her child the option to meet him. Met him and seen him 1 day. Child lives in iowa. Dad lives in TX. At 8, absent father comes to Iowa to visit family. Then he asks mother's thoughts about a visit to Texas. Agreed to a typed letter and legally notarized for a month's visit and specified date of return. The father brought child back to Iowa 6 days before. Mother made every attempt to contact daughter, and got excuses. On the day before for child to be home again, absent father calls and says he doesn't need legal documents to take her back. is this correct? It is now a civil matter and he has lied in his testimony, because he has idea of what has happened in her life. Also, would like to know if i could get him for slander.
Until there is a court order specifying the terms of custody and visitation then no, there is nothing you can do about the father not meeting the terms you agreed to. Likewise, there is nothing he can do if you fail to uphold your end.
I'm not sure what your angle is on slander.... nothing that you say here even suggests slander.
Either one of you can get the ball rolling in court to establish a custody/visitation order.
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