What are my options for moving out at 17 in Missouri?



Im a 17 year old girl living with my dad and his girl friend in Missouri. I moved in with him 2 years ago after living with my mom since they had been divorced. My mom moved to North Dakota but I didn't want to leave my home and move 16 hours away from everything I grew up with, so I compromised on living with my dad. Im 17 and will be 18 in January but I want to know what my options are for moving out at my age now. My life at home has been a rollercoaster ever since I moved in and it just keeps going down. I don't want to get into details about my life or what goes on I just want to know if I can legally move out on my own. All feedback is helpful, thank you!
If you wish to move with your mother, and she is agreeable with that plan, she can petition the court to modify the custody agreement. Otherwise, you are with Dad until you turn 18.