what am i supposed to do about harassing neighbors?

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New Member
Hello. I live in duplex building and th neighbor next door to me will not leave me alone! I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and she thinks its ok to constantly harass me when i am home alone or with my other 2 children.The main issue at hand here is when i moved my vehicle and parked it in front of my section of the duplex to stop her "brothers" from parking in there and leaving their vehicles running and exhaust coming in thru my windows. She got upset and started yelling and screaming thru my window and beating on my front door. Fed up with hearing her I went to confront her (mistake i know). She then continues to yell and scream at me calling me all sorts of horrible names and then pushes me. She then starts to swing her fist at me turning this into a fist fight. I know I shouldnt have swung back being 6 months pregnant at the time but there was no way in hell I was going to allow her to hit me at all. So after about 10 minutes of her and I fighting and my children yelling at her to leave their mommy alone she finally backed off. My finace came home after I frantically called him back to tell him what had just happened and he called the police. The officer came and told us that the only thing he could do was write a report and thats it. He said we could file charges but it would be my word against hers and her "brothers" and of course they had lied to the cop and said I started everything. The cop also said going to court would not resolve it and it would be a waste of time. So basically I did not file charges against her. Well now her children are harassing me as well, and hitting my car with their bikes. The other day I was outside with my finance and her children were purposely trying to hit me while riding their bicycles. Another time her daughter, which is around 5 or 6, was standind dileratly behind my car as i was trying to back out of the driveway while flipping me off and laughing. Then just last night the neighbors cousin or whoever she is to the neighbor had tried to come at me as well but this time my fiance was there and he stepped in and she imediantly backed off. This has been going on since Jan and I am extremely fed up. The neighbor has also bosted that she knows the property management owner and that she can do whatever she wants and nothing will happen to her. We do not have the funds to move right now and I am pretty close to giving birth so I seriously do not need this kind of stress! Especially at my own home! I am not afraid of my neighbor, I am afraid of what this stress would do to my unborn child and how my horomones and temper would flare up if and whne she comes at me again! Please help! anything is appreciated!
The mistake you made was fighting back instead of backing off and calling the police. You created a situation where both of you could have been charged with battery (PC 242) or for fighting in public (PC 415).

You can TRY to obtain a restraining order against the woman and others who are repeatedly harassing you, but it will cost you a few dollars to apply for the civil harassment order and there is no guarantee that it would be granted given the circumstances.

Short of moving or getting the management of the property involved, you may not have a whole lot of options here.

Perhaps buying a video camera that can view the area outside of your unit to capture what is happening might be useful. Just be sure that you do not capture audio as well as the video.
Have you tries to talk to the property manager about this? Also when she starts to threaten you call the cops again.
yes i have spoken to the property managment and she hasnt done anything..the neighbor made the remark the other day that she knows the owner of the PMG and that she can do wahtever she wants to at the house and nothing will happen to her and that she has the owner wrapped around her finger.
You have three options.
1. Ignore her.
2. Get a restraining order to compel her to leave you alone.
3. Move... perhaps to another more convenient unit that the current landlord has?
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