Voluntary relinquishment of parental rights



From Louisiana. How do I voluntarily give up my rights as a parent? Child not born yet. Will I still be on the hook for child support? I do not want this child, nor do I want anything to do with the child's mother. I want to make a clean break and put the entire situation in my rear view mirror forever. What steps do I need to take to make this happen? What are the potential consequences? Please help, thanks.
You can give up your rights as a parent but you cannot give up your obligations.

You made the baby, you get to support it for the next 18 years (maybe 22 if LA includes college years).

Then you can put it in your rear view mirror forever.

Oh, the potential consequences of not paying child support could include being jailed for contempt of court.
You have no worries unless you, Mom or courts seek to establish you as Father. When and if that happens you will likely be obligated to pay support and this could include support since time of birth. Next time visit the drug store before your dates
How do I voluntarily give up my rights as a parent? Child not born yet.

Hold your horses, mate.

You have no parental rights as an UNMARRIED male, unless your PATERNITY is established in a court of law.

The child isn't born.

You have NO obligations until the child is born.

Then you ask this state agency to assist you in proving or disproving your paternity:

Paternity Information | Department of Health | State of Louisiana
Don't sign anything, until a DNA test proves you to be the father.
Until that time, wait.
If it is your baby, you'll be required to pay child support.
That's it.
No law requires you visit the baby or the mother.
No law requires you to interact or parent the child.
The law simply requires you to pay child support, if DNA proves its your kid.

Going forward, preventing a woman from becoming pregnant by you is easy: don't have intercourse, wear a prophylactic, or get neutered.