violation of Peace Order

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New Member
It is my understanding that when a person has a Peace Order granted against you they, also, must not make contact with you, am I correct? The Peace Order states that "Shall Not contact (in person, by telephone, in writing, or by any other means), attempt to contact, or harass". The Petitoner in this case continues to try to get the Respondent to respond to them via emails and signing them up for groups on MSN. We need a lawyer in the state of Maryland that can help with this. The Peace Order was issued through Washington County. Can someone help, please?
cynderlou said:
It is my understanding that when a person has a Peace Order granted against you they, also, must not make contact with you, am I correct? The Peace Order states that "Shall Not contact (in person, by telephone, in writing, or by any other means), attempt to contact, or harass". The Petitoner in this case continues to try to get the Respondent to respond to them via emails and signing them up for groups on MSN. We need a lawyer in the state of Maryland that can help with this. The Peace Order was issued through Washington County. Can someone help, please?
Why not file for a similar order against the other party?
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