Violating final settlement..plz help

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New Member
My Grandmother passed away in October of 2000. My sister was appointed Executor of the will but I was later named Executor because of complications she was having traveling back and forth from Calfornia to Nevada to take care of the paper work. So that was all settled and I just had to wait for the probate process to finish.Let me explain the will and estate that was involved as it is kind of complicated.

My sister and I were the only beneficiaries under the will but my Grandma had a CD in the bank that had my sister, my aunt and myself named on it. My Grandma forgot to take my aunts name off of the CD [my mother and aunt were to not recieve anything under the will] and the way the will was made had it to where the CD wasn't included in the will. So my aunt still has a share of the CD and we were to all recieve equal shares of it. So basically my aunt managed to be entitled to a share of the CD since the CD was not under the will.

Now I would've been fine with it but none of my family members have seen her in over 10 years. I gave the attorney her social security number and he was unable to find her as well. So we were in a small predicament.

After everything was finished and my sister and I recieved our shares, the court decided to make me put my aunts share in a private account only she could access and if it was unclaimed within a cetain amount of years the state was to recieve it. I was furious when I heard this was the way it had to be as my aunt and definitely the state did not deserve my Grandmas money. My Grandma saw her daughter the last time I did and she did not have to go through the hardships I did to take care of her during her last years(I was only 16 at the time and my sister was in California).

So it was finished around March of 2003 and almost everything was settled. I'm a very stubborn, hard-headed person and I decided to not open the closed account despite what the courts said. I was only 19 when I recieved the money and I totally blew it in about a year(around $20,000):eek: I'm probably the worst person when it comes to money and I started tapping into my aunts account recklessly while planning on repaying it when I got a job. Last week the courts sent me a paper saying to prove to them that I've opened the account so they can close the case. But I've totalled about 7K of it:eek: and there's no way I can repay it before the end of the month.

So I'm wondering what the penalties will be for my violation and furthermore what I should do. I pray jail isn't in the cards but I'm hoping there will be something arranged to where I can make payments until the account's fully reimbursed. PLEASE give me some insight/advice..this is ruining my life and I was never intended to be the Executor in the first place.

If you need anything clarified please let me know and thanks if you read through this novel of a post.
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