Video Editing Copyright Question

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New Member
I am a freelance video editor who works out of my apartment. Normally, the only contact that I have with my clients is through mail/email. Recently, I have received files from a long time client that are possibly violating copyright laws. These clips are from a cable network program that as far as I know is not in any way affiliated with my client. This client would like to pay me to incorporate these clips in a video montage for them. My question is that if these clips are indeed violating copyright laws am I in anyway liable for editing them? I am not broadcasting these clips myself. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

In general, you may want to sign an agreement with your clients where your clients "represent and warrant" that all the materials they provide to you are either their own or they have licenses to use them and modify them in the manner contemplated by your statement of work, etc. This is the best way to manage issues like this so that you don't need to ask your client if they have licenses for each item. I usually bring it up on the first conversation I have and have a good feel for what is going on. Chances are you won't get in trouble but you may be brought along for the ride if it is discovered that you are helping create infringing derivative works.
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