Criminal Law US Citizen for green card holder with ex plunged felony?

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New Member
Can you become a US Citizen after expunging your felony record? Auto burgery case that was over 12 years old and was one and only. Felony case was reduced to misdemeanor and than ex plunged.
Can you become a US Citizen after expunging your felony record? Auto burgery case that was over 12 years old and was one and only. Felony case was reduced to misdemeanor and than ex plunged.

I suggest you speak with a criminal defense attorney and an immigration attorney.

Expunction isn't easy, and it rarely erases all traces of a conviction such that the federal government doesn't see the conviction.

You might be best served to return to your homeland.

The US is broke, and green cards aren't being handed out readily these days.
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