Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse urine drug tests

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New Member
I heard that testing urine for meth dui isnt as good as testing blood. Because blood you can tell what is in your system at that particular time as with urine it could have been in your system a week ago not when you were pulled over for dui. Is this correct? Also doesnt your test result need to be back in before you go plead guilty or not guilty?
Normally they will take blood instead of urine anyways. Most of the time they are back before your hearing.
I'm not so sure about Meth, but general rule of thumb is that Blood tests are better. Urine Tests at times you can give a diluted sample (Drink a HUGE amount of water, take a vitamin B for color. . .) etc.

Meth is EVIL! Stay away! If you're on Meth, seek counseling immediately!
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