Urgent Question about distribution for benefit of child from UTMA-WA


New Member
Background for question. I am a single mother of a high school senior who is facing imminent eviction from our rental home we have lived in for 2 years. My daughter is in the middle of finals right now and has senior prom and high school graduation in 2 weeks.

She has an UTMA account to help with education expenses or things like lessons or camps etc. My question is this: Can I ask for a distribution from the custodian to avoid eviction? It seems like this would definitely be in the interest of the minor but when I asked the custodian of her account she said no. Please advise ASAP and thank you.
You asked the proper person, the custodian of the account.
You were given an answer, NO.
Why do you think strangers can overrule the custodian of the account?
ANSWER: No one can override the custodian of the account, especially uninvolved, unconnected strangers.

It's YOUR responsibility to provide shelter for YOUR children.
Your child isn't obligated to hose herself.
Your FAILURE to keep a roof over YOUR child's head could result in you losing custody of your child.
I suggest you get your life in order, pay your rent on time, meet your obligations, protect YOUR child.
Wow, that was uncalled for. I am not a stranger and I am not uninvolved. I am a loving and supportive single parent. My daughter has been cared for by only myself for the past 12 years since her father died. A wonderfully kind talented honors student headed to University in the fall. I have been quite ill and unable to work after using all savings. You shouldn't post something like that without all the facts lady. Hope you never become ill or need help. Your response was not only unprofessional but quite frankly it was mean. Have a great day.
Wow, that was uncalled for. I am not a stranger and I am not uninvolved.

You're RIGHT, YOU are NOT a stranger.

My reference was to myself.
We are strangers as are others on the internet!

I am a loving and supportive single parent. My daughter has been cared for by only myself for the past 12 years since her father died. A wonderfully kind talented honors student headed to University in the fall. I have been quite ill and unable to work after using all savings. You shouldn't post something like that without all the facts lady. Hope you never become ill or need help. Your response was not only unprofessional but quite frankly it was mean. Have a great day.

As tragic as your story might be, you are obligated to provide for YOUR child.
Your child isn't OBLIGATED to pay YOUR rent!
You don't know me, and I won't share my tales of woe via the internet.
You asked and received an answer, TWICE.
Once from the correct person (the account custodian), secondarily from a STRANGER!

If you are in need of medical or financial assistance. you might start with your state social services office, perhaps they can assist you?

Last, my mortgage is paid, and my children are adults.
If I died tonight, I'd die with a smile on face.

Sorry for your situation but it's the custodian's decision. It seems that is not what the account is for.