UnWed mother

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I am an unwed 20yr old with a comfortable apartment, stable work history and supportive family. I dated a man for 4 months after breaking up with a long term boyfriend and am now 3 months pregnantwith his child. He and I split up a few weeks ago due to him being untruthful in the beginning of our relationship and getting caught in quite a few lies. He is on probation for narcotic charges, but his probation will be up about a week before the baby is due. He is currently holding down only a part time job, his car has been repossessed, and he has been evicted from his apartment. The final split was due to him standing in front of a door blocking me from leaving the apartment he is staying at now with his sister screaming at me. Considering this was during my first trimester me crying so hard triggered me to get sick. I then emerged from the bathroom and he still blocked me from leaving so I pulled out my cell phone like i was going to call someone and he let me by. He then followed me out to my car in a very intimidating manner.
He wants to share custody of this child and I'm afraid if he gets his finances in order it's a possibility. I think he's unstable and I am afraid to be alone with him much less sending a helpless little child to be in his care. He has two young nephews, but has never been around an infant. He also has returned to partying and spends his time with very young girls.
I am also now back with my exboyfriend who I am very much in love with. He is very excited about the baby and handling the whole situation wonderfully. He has started mentioning getting married and future plans with the baby and I.
I do not want my child to have his last name. I do not want my child to have to spend time with him, but I know I may not be able to stop that. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
My cousin was in a situation like this. She got pregnant with an unsteady boyfriend's baby. She got a lawyer, explained things, and won.

I think you'll do the same. The father should not share custody, at least not for five years.
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